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The role of Chittagong Port can hardly be over- emphasized in the ever-growing pressure of the national economy of Bangladesh; Chittagong is the premier part of Bangladesh. About 80% of the Sea-borne trade is being handled by this port. Chittagong Port has considerable strategic importance and infra-structural advantage. The Lion share of National revenue is earned through Chittagong Custom House & Chittagong Port. Since the inception of Chittagong Port and Chittagong Custom House, the Clearing & Forwarding Agents are playing vital role in earning National revenue & handling both import & export cargoes transited through Chittagong Port.

Being a leading Port user, the Clearing & Forwarding Agents have been facing multifarious problems in carrying out their responsibilities both in Chittagong Port & Custom House since long. After a few days of the Great Liberation war, where a number of C&F Agents participated and sacrificed their lives for the cause of independence of the country, necessity for constituting an Association was acutely felt. Accordingly, in the year 1974, some about 29 C & F Agents of Chittagong felt that for the well- being of the C&F Agents and for better trade facilitation etc. all the C & F Agents should be united and thus they took an initiative to form an Association. With the span of time, the number of C & F Agents increased over 100 including 6 from Khulna and 4 from Dhaka. Subsequently on 29th March 1974 an Association was formed under the name and banner of BANGLADESH CUSTOMS CLEARING AGENTS ASSOCIATION, and it was registered with Registrar of Trade Unions, Dhaka on 30th June, 1975 bearing No. B-1707.

The first Executive Committee of the Association was formed with the following distinguished persons in the year 1974.

01.  President                    :    Mr N I Khan
02.  Vice President            :    Mr Md Solaiman
03.  Vice President            :    Mr Harun-Ur-Rashid
04   General Secretary       :    Mr S I Chowdhury
05.  Joint Secretary            :    Mr Ataur Rahman
06.  Treasurer                    :    Mr Shamsul Alam Chowdhury
07.  Member                      :    Mr Nurul Hoq Bhuiyan
08.  Member                      :    Mr Rezaul Hoq
09.  Member                      :    Mr Ruhul Amin
10.  Member                      :    Mr A Kalam
11.  Member                      :    Mr R M Gun
12.  Member                      :    Mr Arman Ali
13.  Member                      :    Mr Ruhul Amin

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